Startup Idea: Custom Hybrid Brokerage Software Solution
I am an analyst at a large finance brokerage house. Currently we have been transitioning from old, "outdated" OTC trade execution in excel to a new Salesforce solution. The Salesforce CRM execution solution however was not properly thought out and doesn't save time or enhance our customer service. Also, the customers do not like the new way that their trading data flows in the new work space tool. They want the old OTC software back back. I think that a good solution would be to create a custom solution that mixes a seemingly old yet technology updated framework for brokerage instead of something entirely new. I think that this idea could really help retain our customers and be a good idea for cross industry applications. Seemingly engineers try and force massive changes down peoples throats when smaller technology solutions that mix the best of the old with some new are the best. Incremental change is better unless something is truly groundbreaking and I hope that this is implemented for our brokerage software. Doesn't exist as far as I can tell from my goolging.