Startup Idea: Universal Online Shopping Cart Plugin
I am an avid online shopper who uses sites like amazon, ebay, negegg, etc. As an avid shopper, I always look for the best deals like others may as well. Although there are many plugins (in my case Google Chrome) to help find a great deal or even a coupon, you have to type in your payment and shipping info to all those various sites.
My implementation is create a software or plug in that allows you to add the item into a cart, so when you are finished you only have to enter your infomation once. The information provided will be relayed to the corresponding websites in which they will credit your card and ship it to you.
An example of this is I find a nice camping tent on Amazon, a camping stove at jax, water bottle at REI, and a sleeping bag on Ebay. Instead of going to all these simple sites, I could add what I want to my "virtual" cart, and enter all my info at once and be done.
I believe this would be extremely beneficial specifically around the holiday season as society as I see it lives in the fast lane and want to "get it done and over with." I understand security issues may be a factor in terms of giving out personal info, which is why encryption would be needed in the software itself, or only allow acess to https:// sites.
What ever the cost of this program may be, it would be worth it! I would not advise a monthly fee, but rather a one time fee for at least $20 or less.