Startup Idea: Centralized Statistical Software Management System
My current office has several employees that utilize different statistical software. For example, we use SAS, R, STATA, JMP, EXCEL, MATLAB, SPSS. Each of these software requires specific training for the job. More specifically, the company I work for has a set-up core set of statistical programs that each employee needs to run. For example, employee A may run a report within SAS using Oracle databases, and employee B may have to run a report with R using a Microsoft SQL server database. The problem that we run into is that there is no way to centralize all of the instructions for the various pieces of software. Furthermore, after the programs are run, there is no centralized system to ensure that the reports were run. I propose a system that requires a user to login to access each of the various statistical programs, SAS, R, STATA, JMP, EXCEL, MATLAB, and SPPSS. This system would also require a user to submit a summary of what was done while logged in. This way my office would know exactly what was done and would be able to read a summary. Additionally, this would also ensure that if there were a database problem later on that we could pinpoint the user and the potential problem.