Startup Idea: Unified Task Management and Workflow Automation Tool for Freelance Developers
I work as a freelance software developer, and work for multiple clients simultaneously. Each client uses a different issue tracking system (e.g. Redmine, JIRA, etc.) and I use a separate todo application for tasks that aren't client specific.
I would dearly love to have a system that allowed me to import tasks/issues from these systems to a single dashboard, in order to reorder them through a drag/drop list.
Right now I have to have all the systems open simultaneously and it's hard to see the overall picture and prioritize across projects. I've tried traditional project management software, but it isn't designed with the freelancer workflow in mind.
Another thing I'd like to have is a way to automatically reset multiple tools when I switch from a task for one client to another client. For example, each time I switch I have to change my VPN connection, change git repositories and refresh, change my ssh connections, open a bunch of new browswer tabs, and sometimes applications. It would be nice to have a configuration for each client and just be able to switch with a single command. I've tried searching for this using the following search terms: 'freelancer dashboard', 'workflow management for freelancers', 'software for freelance developers to manage your time', etc. There are a few products that come up, but they a) don't have the task management integration functions I would like, and b) aren't tech specific. I know some developers write custom scripts, but I find I spend more time updating them and managing the tools than they are worth, so I usually just do it by having checklists for each project taped by the screens.