Startup Idea: Customized Reporting Feature Design for Payroll Systems
I work in payroll and our current reporting system only allows us to pull payroll results based on the cost center it hits. While the SAP system we use has different attributes such as person ID and Job Class Codes (JCC), we can not pull from these factors across multiple cost centers.
With an organization that has 10,000 employees and multiple departments, we have numerous cost centers and numerous JCCs. There can be anywhere from 1 to 700 employees that work the same JCC and may be spread across the Enterprise. If someone wanted to know how much overtime we are spending in a specific JCC, there is not a simple way to pull that. You would have to know each cost center that it hits, pull the payroll results for each cost center. You will have to run a roster report to find the person ID of every person in the desired JCC. You would then take that data of desired person ID to limit the results in the cost center to be able to delete excess employees (different JCC but paid from that cost center).
Something that should be a simple task has turned into a multiple day project. SAP holds all the relationships in its system, but does not allow a simple reporting process to pull and manipulate what data you truly want. With the steps described in the problem above.