Startup Idea: Automation Software for Online Sellers
I work in online sales as a third party seller on Amazon and I run my own website as well. In these two situations I could really benefit from an image recognition based auto keystroke/mouse following software. It could automate things like dropshipping some of my more common items so that I don't need to take so much time going through them.
Generally a normal software like remouse micro doesn't work well because the pages can shift around and the smallest shift or advertisement popup can cause everything to stop working.
This would improve updating tracking information, placing drop ship orders, and also would help me with other things like getting screenshots taken when certain images are on the screen for recording purposes.
I would certainly pay for this because it could save me plenty of time if it works well. Automation is the future, and I think providing people with the tools to customize their own customization processes would be excellent. Yes, auto keystrokes, auto click, ghostmouse. I solve it now by just doing it manually mostly. Sometimes remouse micro helps but it's difficult to deal with.
Submitter: Marko at (view contact info)