Startup Idea: Comprehensive Language Learning Software Development
I am an English teacher to people who speak other languages. As part of my work I am constantly answering questions about what language learning methods are the best, what apps they should use, and is such and such program worth the price. As it stands right now, I can offer them ideas for beginner level learning, intermediate, or advanced. And I can point to expensive ripoffs like Rosetta Stone and warn them away. But there is no one app, program, or piece of software that will take a new language learner to fluency. A system that could do this could change the way people learn languages for the better. I have done extensive research into this. I have read reviews for many apps, print courses, and computer programs. I search using terms like, "language learning app," "language courses," and "best way to learn a language." To get around this problem now, I tell my students to use a wide variety of resources but there is no standard answer.