Startup Idea: Degree Comparator Software for Hiring Managers

Summary for idea #2841
Startup idea to develop a software tool that assists Hiring Managers in comparing university degrees from various institutions. The goal is to decipher whether a degree titled one way in a particular university is the same or different from a similarly named degree in another university, helping hiring managers to meet specific federal job requirements.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

I am a Hiring Manager for a company. Due to federal funding requirements, many of our jobs have very specific requirements in terms of required training and degrees. However, some universities call their degrees different things. It would be great to have software that could determine whether a degree that is called one thing at a school in California is the same or different from a degree that is called something similar at a school in Maine. I have had to google numerous schools and cross reference their course requirements for different degrees.

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