Startup Idea: Music Teaching and Practice Feedback App
I am a freelance musician/private music teacher and have many students that are frustrated with their progress and don't reach out sooner with their concerns while practicing. While there are many tools for them to record and track what they are doing and I record them over time to show their improvement immediate feedback between scheduled lessons would be a great.
The perfect solution would be an app or website service where students could upload a clip of their practice or something they are struggling with and be notified when their teacher views it and leaves feedback. The feedback would be linked with frames in the video or just general comments, a video demonstration could also be added by the teacher. All correspondences would be kept between the student and teacher unless the student chooses to share this.
While this isn't very complicated, there's not a platform that I have found that accommodates the unique student teacher relationship.
Any additional practice tracking and logging features would be fantastic and could be entered by either the teacher or the student. This would allow both the teacher and student to review progress and keep record for academic or personal use. Yes, I have searched for "teaching resources," "music education" threads, and "private lessons tools" among many others.
I use a combination of Dropbox and YouTube to have students send me their clips, but this is very time consuming on the students end as they have to fill out tags for videos in order to send me a link to view even if it's private on YouTube and Dropbox links are quite long and the videos sometimes have to be downloaded to view. If the videos are put in a shared folder and the teacher only has permission to view then when they need to clear room in their folders they have to stop sharing the folder.
Leaving feedback can often be confusing on these platforms as students have to go through the video and see what exactly you're talking about. Feedback left in a small description box in the folder or in a comment box under a video isn't very professional and can send the wrong message to students.
With older students(18+) I've tried using apps like Snapchat but sending videos in messages isn't effective as the platform is designed for short ten second clips with a phone in your hand from your point of view. A phone on a music stand while you're playing an instrument is, or just an audio clip that can be up to three minutes long would be ideal.
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