Startup Idea: Reminding Shopping List App for Busy Parents
I am a busy, working mother of a one year old. I am CONSTANTLY forgetting things to buy for the family like diapers, wipes, baby snacks, etc. Forever I have wished for an app that I could record my most used items and click a button when I am running low. I'd love for that app to then make a grocery list for me of those items so that when I am in the store, I can simply open the app and remember what it was I needed to pick up to begin with. Oftentimes, I go to the store to get one thing, and I KNOW I need to pick up something else, but for the life of me, I cannot remember what that thing is. This app would fix this problem and I would use it all the time. It would save me valuable time that I should be spending with my family. Yes. Nothing does what this would do. I've typed in grocery list, reminder app, etc. Right now I keep a notepad on my phone, but I always forget to do it. I want the app to remind me by saying something like, are you low on wipes? Then I would remember.
Submitter: Brittany (view contact info)