Startup Idea: Advanced Stats Comparison Software for Daily Fantasy Sports
I make substantial income in the developing area of daily fantasy sports. Currently with baseball season I find that there are several areas where software could make researching for daily games much easier.
Currently if you want to track many advanced stats it requires substantial web browsing, and comparing players is a huge pain as you have to click between screens or backtrack or have many browser windows and tabs open making it easy to lose track of what you are going for.
Websites like Fangraphs or Rotogrinders have a lot of the advanced stats available, however, for example if I want to compare Miguel Cabrera, Anthony Rizzo, Hanley Ramirez and Tommy Joseph's advanced stats while also seeing the pitchers they are facing I'd have to have at least 5 browser tabs open and I'd have to click between each of them at length.
Software that could easily sort the stats you are looking for while also allowing you to compare players side by side with the stats of the pitchers they are facing also easily visible would be invaluable. With the huge boon in people participating in daily fantasy sports (over 100,000 people per day easily) it could give people a great advantage, I'd certainly pay for a system like this.
I've searched through the main sites like Fangraphs and Rotogrinders for this without seeing any good ability to compare players side by side with the main stats you want. Currently I have to click through tabs or create my own spreadsheets.
Submitter:Dan, (view contact info).