Startup Idea: Virtual Planner App for Teachers
Ok, I am a teacher, and I know you said nothing that could be sold to schools, but this would not be sold to schools, just individuals. I would really like to have a virtual planner or scrapbook or something where I could set it up to have the categries I wanted. Specifically a kind of template for myself where I could log behaviors of students on a daily basis-this is easy enough to set up myself, I guess with word documents, but this would be one program that would have everything you could want--however. Like a list of students for a roster that could then be transferred into each kid getting a calendar box where you'd go through and mark notes for the teacher about how that day was. It could have a box that pops up with parent info right there, and a file of when you've contacted them before and what was said. Then, another click could bring you to your favorite list of websites and passwords. Also Another could be wwbsites. I haven't really tried to find this because it could be in a book, but it sure wpuld be nice to be able to access things all in one place. I have an online planbook but thats not what I need because I want to store various types of info (like websites to try, meeting notes, etc.)Your box above this would not let me finish typing).
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