Startup Idea: Personal Time Management and Task Scheduling App
I am a sahm that has no extra time in the day. Which leaves me having to find time. It can be very hard to find time when our schedules seem so chaotic. To solve this I wish there was an app or some sort of software that allowed people to enter their daily schedule, chores, tasks, and meals and the app laid out a time line of when to do what and how long it would take for each task.
For example,I would love to enter in the info for say a hair appointment and the app lays info out like this:
11:00 am - Babysitter arrives 11:10 am - go over information with baby siter 11:30 am - leave kids with sitter and get ready for hair appointment 12:15 pm - leave house for 15 minute driving duration for hair appointment 12:30 pm Hair appointment 12:45 pm leave for home 15 minute driving duration
Anyone could use this type of software. Basically it would really lay out a good foundation of a persons day. Many time, for example, Ill put on my calendar "playdate 1 pm - 3 pm". Later on in the day I get behind and cant figure out why. It's because I didnt map out the travel time, getting gas, etc. I have!!! I searched mommy app, day planner app, and minute by minute tracker. Now I just literally have to spend the time each morning to hand write this all out and it takes forever!!! But if I dont do this I get behind or forget the small things that add up over time.
Submitter: jessica dyrmishi (view contact info)