Startup Idea: Designing an Enhanced ELO Calculator for Game Competitions

Summary for idea #2913
Startup idea to create an ELO calculator optimized for computer game competitions. The calculator will offer more precision in ratings by calculating up to decimal points and will allow user-controlled 'K rating'. This will help in breaking ties as more games are played over time.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

I use an ELO calculator to rank competitions on computer games. ELO is a ratings system used mainly in chess, but can be used for other purposes.

The problem with using the more well known computation websites is that they don't compute past the integer. None of them that I see go into decimal places, which would be beneficial for the purposes of breaking ties as ratings progress and more games are played.

The "K rating" variable should also be something that the user can control. There are apps out there that can calculate ELO, but there's the added problem of being tied down to a few settings the app offers you.

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