Startup Idea: Virtual Assistant for Efficient Meeting Scheduling
I work for a large logistics company in the Business Development division. As a work from home employee my job involves arranging meeting with customers and prospective customers. A constant problem I encounter is scheduling meetings efficiently. Every aspect of this is difficult for myself and my colleagues. We often double-book ourselves, make unwise commitments, or inefficiently allocate our time (4 hour drive for a 30 minute meeting).
I would give anything for a virtual assistant that can keep track of my calendar and accept meeting requests from people outside of the company. Something that can determine their location, decide if I should drive or teleconference, book my rental car, and maybe remind me to take my dry cleaning in. I have looked everywhere, there are some virtual assistants out there, but none with the functionality I need. Right now my colleagues and I just suffer without a solution. We miss meetings or overextend ourselves. Everybody loses.