Startup Idea: Grocery Store Navigation and Coupon Alert System

Summary for idea #2939
Startup idea to develop an app which downloads a grocery store's layout and uses GPS to notify the user when they're near an item that they have a digital coupon for, increasing convenience and efficiency for shoppers.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

So for the most part, a grocery stores layout doesn't change much. The deli will always be in the same place, the milk in the same place, etc. I shop at Kroger and I load digital coupons into my Kroger app. While shopping, I sometimes forget what digital coupons I have and I walk right by the item that I want to buy. If an app could download my grocery stores' floor plan and use GPS to alert me when I am near an item that I have a digital coupon for that you be awesome. I usually run around the store a few times before I get everything I need and/or have a digital coupon for. Yes, - making a list doesn't work.

Submitter: (view contact info)

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