Startup Idea: Fashion Blog Finder App
I am interested in an app that helps me find fashion blogs. I used to get fashion advice from friends, but since graduating from college, I just don't know what is "cool" anymore. Sure, I can read a magazine like Vogue, but I feel like those magazines don't speak to me. What I really want is a place where I can go to see a bunch of fashion blogs, written by people like me, and read by people like me. Sorting options would include age/race/sex of blogger, age/race/sex of viewers. I want to know what people my demographic find interesting & cool.
For example, I'm planning a trip to Orlando in a few months. I'd love to plan some fashionable outfits to wear while I'm there. I've tried google and bing. Found a few blogs. They seem ok. But I don't know if other people my age are reading the same blogs. I don't want to show up wearing something people would find weird.