Startup Idea: Website Moderator Performance Tracking Software
Currently I manage a website built in Wordpress that has 22 content moderators, and we're adding more each week.
Each moderator gets paid for their time and receives bonuses based on how many new subscribers the generate.
I want to start keeping moderator statistics such as how much time they spent doing recruiting, writing content, engaging in the comments section and promoting their forum. This way I can determine which activities are getting the most "bang for the buck" and put together a synopsis of what a well organized moderator does to gain so many subscribers.
Like, for instance: Moderator Jenny has logged 17 hours of research this month, written 23 articles which took her 27 hours to do, commented in her forum with other users 8 hours this month and she brought in 348 subscriber's this month.
She enters all of her stats for the month, all of the other moderators do the same and a leaderboard is generated, with each individuals statistics ranked with a run down of what they did to gain their subscribers (which is the stats I mentioned earlier) for the whole team to see.
This would allow me to cut through all the time I spend trying to keep track of each of the moderators and give me the ability to, at a glance check on progress and would also eliminate monthly meetings where we go over statistics and give tips on how to improve moderator stats. This also would be helpful as a training tool for new moderators and more precisely aim our efforts.
I've found tools that help me keep track of employee hours and I've found tools that allow me to create leaderboards, but none of them blended the two together.
Currently I keep track of all the hours spent in different areas, subscriber numbers and content generated in an excel sheet and I put together a clumsy leader board graph using these attributes.
Submitter: Jade, (view contact info).