Startup Idea: Document Digitization & Management Solution
I am self-employed and work for a network marketing company and also work with Amazon Mechanical Turks.
I have in the past also helped my mother with her volunteer work, with the local lions club. I was imputing data into excel and other services of the like, this was all for tax purposes and to still be considered a non for profit. Unfortunately, the previous owner that has all the hard copies never used a computer, and has years and years of hard copies of requests for assistance that he had lost along the way through misplacement.
The ideal solution would to be able to scan or take a picture of any documentation (ie, request for assistance for supplies, requesting assistance to be able to remodel the building used as the lions club) needed and to have it turned into a code or a document that could be used legally. We had to search through years of his paperwork organize it, get paperwork notated and officially documented and notarized. Also we had to transcribe some documentation because of where we live in Alaska sometimes documents such as contracts were by mouth or written on the oddest things, (i.e bark, paper towels, butcher paper) My mother is finally getting him up to date and is close to getting the rest of the files and documents on digital copies.