Startup Idea: Document Translation Software for International Businesses
I work in the tech industry and work with customers in different countries everyday.
As our business has grown we have more customers coming to us for business and we are expanding more and more internationally. For the work I do I need to look at financial and business documents on a daily basis.
Since our company covers different regions of the world we need to look at documents in all different languages. There is no quick fix software to read a document and translate quickly to understand what you are looking at.
No 2 documents are the same and the languages all differ. It takes a lot of time out of my day to translate line by line.
I would definitely pay for a software to correct this issue.
I would save time on a daily basis if I could have a program on my computer that can scan a document and translate it into the language I use on a daily basis.
It would be better for the customer experience as well instead of pushing back for translated copies.