Startup Idea: Gaming and Fitness Tracking Software
I am a gamer and a fitness enthusiast. I would love a way to track all of my hours logged into games and fitness activities on a easy to see and organize chart.
You can usually check hours logged in each game but rarely is it organized in any fashion. I would like software that auto-tracked in the background of my PC anytime I fired up any game.
Then allowed me to see how long I had played for each game during a given time period. Also, I want a way to consolidate my fitness tracking.
Right now, I use Fitocracy to log my gym workouts(weight lifting and cardio), Alltrails for my hikes and mountain bike rides, and Mapmyrun for outdoor running and road cycling.
Similarly to my previous need, I want all of these in one place. So either a separate app that can handle all of these, or an app that can pull data for all of other apps and organize them nicely for me.
Submitter: (view contact info).