Startup Idea: Household Meal Planning App
App for households about meal planning.
Allow a user to create a "household" on the app, inviting as many people as they would like. Once in the app, you have a calendar that can be shifted to daily/weekly/monthly. For each day you can choose what time to do each of three meals (could expand to have custom "snack times" once there's a solid code base), a meal name, and a place to put ingredients (single ingredient per line).
People can be listed as required or optional for each meal. Each person is able to approve/disapprove of each of the elements (time, meal, specific ingredients). If all required users approve it appears as a green checkmark next to the meal.
Then, there should be an option to save meal names with their specific ingredient lists. Ideally there would be a port to MyFitnessPal and Fitbit as well, to incentive calorie tracking if the user already uses those, but integration wouldn't be necessary. A user can pre-load meals into the app via a library system. They can also choose to not save a meal if they do it on the fly.
A final area is the grocery list. You can set the filter to choose specific days, going up to one month in the future. No past dates can be listed. This will show you every ingredient you need, stacked. EX: if four meals calls for 1/2 an onion, your list will show as needing 2 onions. Double tapping the ingredient will strike through it, denoting that you already bought it.
this would allow households, especially college households or those with lots of members, to be able to decide on meals as a group, meal plan, and have an easier way of grocery shopping for those meals. Right now we use a whiteboard split into two sections (lunch and dinner) saying what meals there are for each day of the week. We do this on Sunday and then write our list and go shopping, but it requires both of us having to be home, do everything at once, and take pictures of the whiteboard before we leave.