Startup Idea: Employee Activity Monitoring Software for Remote Teams
I own a small company that sells products on multiple sites online with about 15 people who all work from home. I currently do not have any way to monitor how much time during the day that these employees spending actually working and would like to be able to ensure they are working for what I pay them.
It would be great if there was a way that I could track their work or atleast be able to see how much time they spend on each site that is on the list of selling products. If there was a software that could track usage on the computer than I would be able to see how productive their day was. I could use this product to keep them on track and make them know that I will know if they are slacking off.
I have tried to use screen sharing software and occasionally check up on them but I do not have the time as I am the one who deals with most of the shipping and returns at the company.
It would be great to be able to analyze my employees and ensure that they are all working up to their abilities with the time they are suppose to be selling. I tried using Skype's screen sharing, but it was too time consuming and did not work well when I had 15 employees.