Startup Idea: Software to Guide Food Safety Regulations and Certifications Compliance

Summary for idea #3085
Startup idea to develop a guide-like software for small food manufacturing businesses. This software would aid manufacturers in absorbing and applying regulatory guidelines issued by FDA under the Food Safety Modernization Act. It would also assist in obtaining important certifications like 'Good Manufacturer Practices', HACCP and SQF Certification by providing a comprehensive step-by-step guide.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

I work in the Food Manufacturing business which is highly regulated through the Food and Drug Administration. Food Manufacturers are required to follow the Food Safety Modernization Act implemented by the FDA. Many smaller Food Manufacturers have a hard time learning this information and then implementing what they have learned. If there were software to help with these guidelines I believe businesses would engage. What also ties into this would be certifications that Food Manufacturers attempt to obtain. For example, American Institute of Baking offers a "Good Manufacturer Practices" certification, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - HACCP Certification, and other certifications like Safe Quality Food (SQF) Certification which have multiple levels.

The software required to help with these certifications could easily be a step-by-step guide, almost like a .PDF or PowerPoint presentation. If this option was available for our small food manufacturing business I would have definitely taken advantage of the help.

Submitter: Jeffrey Haas (view contact info)

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