Startup Idea: Automated Duty Status Setting for ELD's in Trucking Industry
I work in transportation as a truck driver. I have been in this industry for over 14 years now, with well over 1 million miles driven safely.
Recently, all trucking companies were given the mandate that they had to switch to ELD's (electronic logging devices). The purpose of this is to replace paper logs to keep drivers/companies honest with the driving hours and also enhance safety.
When starting your day, you have to manually go in and set your duty status. If you do not, it will keep you in whatever status you have set previously.
The solution would be for it to automatically set by logging in. For instance, if I want to do a pre trip inspection. All I would need to do it tap the button once, then it will count down my time for me without me having to go back in and manually do it myself.
As a driver, it's easy to get distracted while you are preparing your day to begin driving. Having an operating system that would automatically change your set duty status would be helpful.