Startup Idea: Budgeting and Utility Tracking Software for Large Businesses
I would like to see a software developed to help with budgeting. I know that there's sites like Mint that do this but it's not on a mass scale for large businesses and only for personal/small business use. Not only do I want to track my expenses, I want to know how much a new expense would cost me in the long run. Companies would like real time updates in order to reach financial goals before the end of the quarter. It would also serve as motivation for companies to increase profits and/or reduce losses as they're aware of their gains/losses before it's time to review them.
Another idea would be tracking utility use. Many people and companies are becoming more environmentally friendly and are making more efforts towards conservation. I would like to see a software where I can add in all the devices or appliances that consume energy in my household or small business and it tells me monthly/yearly costs and makes suggestions on how to improve my energy bill. I would also like to see where it connects with my providers so I can keep track of my exact usage before the bill comes.