Startup Idea: Research Paper Search and Collation Software
I am an undergraduate (graduating in the spring) that is moving into graduate research immediately after in the field of Materials Science and Engineering for my phD. A big issue I have encountered while writing research papers is the lack of software that can search and collate research articles from various sources by minor authors and secondary subjects.
Most research journals archive by title, general field, and primary author(s) only - this makes it really hard to find specific projects that are related to what you are looking for without expending a tremendous amount of time. I believe software could help cut down this time with more intense filters that can track (as an example) keywords contained in the abstracts of articles to increase the likelihood that the person viewing the paper finds what they are looking for. This would cut down on time spent by the researcher as they have a general idea of what the article is actually on beyond just the title, which can be very misleading. Yes, and I couldn't find a satisfactory solution to this. I ended up going through articles manually.