Startup Idea: User-Friendly Computer Usage Software
Hello Justin, you can call me WhatNextK (that my internet name) The truth is I being seeing this HIT a couple of time that I been on Mturk and would like to send some ideal your way. A little about myself, I been using the internet for over 20 years but have own many computers at least over 35. I am a gamer & have been bless to Work at home.
Two item I always look out for is virus protection & something to help speed up my computer or internet. To be honest both is a waste of time. Since I am not Tech Savvy the only thing I know how to do is work on a computer and that about it. One time I try to install more space on my computer and that did not work out. Again a waste of time.
I want to say right quick I don't know if I even need speed or space. When I called the internet provider, the first thing they say is let check the speed of your internet. Well Mrs everything looks good over here. So why is the YouTube video take all day to play. I would love for a software to tell me what really going on. I would like for the software to tell me if other people is using my internet or wifi.
I do want to apologies if other members of the Mturk work force has submitted this ideal like mine but that should be a light bulb ideal. I would like a software that could break down my computer for me in plan English. I want to know what I am buying because the high tech putting that work in store don't know either. They are their to sale a product.
Example I told the male because most of the time it will be a male working in the store and get this the male problem know as much as me. Anyway I told the sale rep that I am looking for a computer that need lot of space, make the internet run good, don't accept virus,etc. He say how much are you willing to spend I said I don't want to spend a lot but I work at home so I want to by a computer that will last long time. So he took me to a computer and I buy. Then about a two week later I am disappointed with my computer. My nephew work off his computer and he too told me to get and Acer. Again the computer was OK but the internet if offer.
The computer I have is maybe a year old. I would like for a software to tell me that. I would like for software to tell me if a program will slow down my computer and give me some recommendation of a program that want slow down my software. I hate installing software so maybe the software can do it for me or guide me. Instead of my going online to see the speed I would like for the computer to do that. You know a all in one place software and I don't have to go online to do so. I would like for the software to protect the computer or let me know when somebody is using my webcam to look at me.
To sum it up maybe a software that would educate me on my computer, not a full study but maybe little popup. Like little suggestions. I would like for all computer to work even if the computer is old & if a new computer is not working I want to know why. I need space for my computer, I don't want to keep buying jump drives. I think the jump drives should be for pictures or when I am writing my book. I need the computer to turn on quick and get on the internet quick. I like to watch movie on my computer & online. I was lied to because I thought this computer had CD or DVD player. I would like for the software to help me see what I don't see. I have seen where I get the limit on internet don't understand because I have the ultimate plan. So I think other people is using my internet. Viral Protection I don't know if it work or not. Every time I run the protection the software don't find anything. Maybe suggest the best computer or computer that people or having the least problem out of. Yes and nothing working. Viral Protection I use the software that the internet provider provides. I have not solve the problem. This computer is under one half years old.
Submitter: Katrina Lay (view contact info)