Startup Idea: Amazon MTurk Script Sorting Requesters by TurkOpticon Rating
Currently I am not aware of an Amazon mechanical turk script that sorts requesters by turkopticon rating. The TurkOpticon rating is a 5-point system that allows workers to determine whether or not the requester will pay a fair wage for work done. Some requesters pay $1 for an entire hour of survey work, for example. That is ludicrous.
I previously used an application called hitscraper, which sorted out all of the muck HITs and allowed me to only work the HITs worth the time and effort, because I knew the requesters would pay a fair wage, wouldn't randomly deny my work and compromise my payment. The ability to do this would be a tremendous asset to the community that works on mechanical turk consistently. Any software solution to this would be pretty pivotal for a great many people. Yes. "HITscraper" "sort by TO script" and "turkmaster".