Startup Idea: Landscaping Irrigation Mapping Software
I work in landscaping, primarily the irrigation side of things. This is a job I've done for a few years, and I've done it for a few different companies. In my profession, I think it could be really handy to have either map printouts, or info to be displayed on a Maps type of application, on where each sprinkler zone is that is controlled from each clock.
This could be beneficial for a few different type of people. Rich people, that want to know that when they turn on "zone 1" they can look on a map and see maybe a lit up area for the spot that is supposed to be on.
I work for a company that takes care of large HOAs now, and at some of these places, there's upwards of a dozen clocks, each with 30-50 individual sprinkler zones. That's a shit of of sprinkler zones. This one large HOA in my mind now has probably 500 zones spread out over 13 different clocks. If I had an application that would zoom in to a real life map, and let me kinda, shade in, or boundary out areas, it could really make a difference in the long run. No doubt, it would take a number of man hours to map out all the zones at first, but then down the road anytime we got a complaint, if we had all the zones marked, we could send a tech out to an almost pinpoint location.