Startup Idea: Interactive Shopping Companion App for Children
Good Afternoon,
I'm honestly not sure if this has been brought up or if it's an idea for software but I'm a stay at home mom, I have 4 children and my youngest is 3. Clearly he goes with me everywhere and shopping is a big deal to him and I. I take everything I can to keep him occupied while I shop but there are times when that isn't enough. I'm not saying it's the stores issue to deal with my child, but if there were stores that had things for these toddlers/kids to do, it would be so much easier for us shoppers and moms in general. Something such as using a small scanner (or cell phone) specifically designed for kids and having a product search on each isle for them to find that they can scan as we go along. Questions about specific products that they have to pick up and actually look at the ingredients. Then at the the end of the shopping trip (whether big or small trip) turn in the scanner or whatnot and use a piece of fruit of cookie for a prize. Not only would that teach about grocery/clothing shopping, but could potentially teach about healthy food options and also about pricing. You can set up the "scavenger hunt" with anything related to the store itself. If I'm going in for something quick like just for milk or eggs, have specific scanners set up for dairy, snacks, meats, etc. Older kids would probably have fun with this. Doesn't necessarily have to be grocery stores, but you could incorporate Target, Walmart, Sam's Club, etc. The mall's would be a very good idea and going from store to store or the food court. It seems like a huge expense but if stores had these, I can guarantee you those stores I would shop at more than ones that didn't. You could even incorporate "tagging" the children in the same devices so if they happen to walk off, you can go to customer service and have them "binged.".