Startup Idea: Startup Idea: Time Management Software for Writers
I am a writer who has a potential book deal on the table. That is, the publisher enjoyed my previous work, and accepted my proposal to write a full book based on the characters in that previous work. The deal is conditional on the fact that the publisher's response to the book is favorable to the point where they are willing to make me an offer.
There is one problem with all of this. I simply can not get going. Every time I sit down to work on the book, my husband decides to come in and start playing his guitar. My mother wakes up and starts whistling, belching or making some other distracting kind of noises. Or I get hung up checking my facebook or other social media accounts and the time flies by. Lastly, by the time everyone goes to sleep and I am able to write alone, I myself am exhausted and writing anything seems insurmountable to me.
Therefore I would suggest a start up company that creates a time management software specifically tailored to writers. This would include:
Timed exercises where you write for a set amount of time (ie: 30 minute blocks, then the program automatically launches a TIME FOR A BREAK message, in which the writer can stretch their legs, have something to eat, play a game, check social media, etc, for an again pre-determined block of time. Time blocks can be set by the writer or chosen from a pre-populated list of options. In addition, I would suggest "What would you like to do?" links on the break that will take you directly to a game, youtube, facebook or anything else the writer would like to do. When it's time to go back to work, a buzzer can start or music can play to remind the writer to get started again. This could be repeated over and over for as long as the writer wants every day, and scheduled as well. Think of it as a Cortana or Alexa for writers.
Appropriately relaxing or other noise-cancelling music that can inspire the writer or even just drown out the sounds of someone belching nonstop in the other room. I personally like to open youtube and play an ongoing video of the sounds of a rain or thunderstorm to drown out the noise as well as relax me. Users can choose their own music or choose from a pre-populated list. I would also suggest mind-stimulating sounds or music that can help with writer's block or even fatigue. No I never have searched for a solution like this, but I do use music to drown out background noise, as well as other techniques.
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