Startup Idea: Automated Employee Tracking and Emergency Management Software
I am a mechanical engineering technician working for a very large architectural and engineering firm. Our firm insists on tracking all employees times, for fire safety reasons, however we have no software that automatically tracks when each employee is logged into the computer.
The system we have now requires each employee to manually "sign out" of the office, so that if there is a fire, we know that we do not need to check that they are in the evacuation location. Thousands of employees often forget to check in and out. We are looking to acquire a software that will track if/when employees are signed in, as well as create an emergency report if/when there is a fire or other disaster in the office.
We have tried finding solutions to this problem, using outside network resources for suggestions as well as searching for things like "employee tracking software", "employee check-in/check-out" and "fire evacuation employee tracking. We are currently using a poor check-in/check-out software which requires manual check-in and check-out. This software was purchase for a small fee.