Startup Idea: Visual Processing Software for Cell Stage Identification in Fish Histology
I am a fish ecologist researching fish populations, part of which is histology work on fish gonads. Part of what I look for in my slides is different oocyte cell development stages in ovarian tissue. Different stages have distinct different patterns. It would be very convenient and a huge time saver if there was a visual processing software that I could input images of my stained tissue slides, and the software could identify which stage the different cells are in. There could either be clear definitions built into the software concerning the stages' visual definitions or, a version that would be more versatile (if it's possible), the user could input examples of what he/she wants to be defined as groups (in my case cell stages), and the software ten identifies the patterns based on those example images. I have not tried any software like this. I manually look at the slides myself and search to find and identify the different cell stages.
Submitter: Elizabeth Keller; (view contact info)