Startup Idea: Private Bus Sharing App for Students

Summary for idea #339
Startup idea to develop an app/platform that enables parents to find and assess private bus drivers who service their area and children's school. The app would include features such as area of service, driver rating, pricing, license verification, and potentially GPS tracking.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

I am a busy working mother to a young girl who is in the gifted magnet program here in Miami Dade County Florida. When your kids are part of these programs they may have to attend schools that are not necessarily right down the block.

Furthermore, they need to apply for these schools and there different programs for middle school and high school. When you do get accepted for these programs many times they do not offer transportation so you are limited to finding programs that are within your normal daily commute or not accepting one at all.

Another alternative is finding a "private bus". This is a very daunting task!

You can only do this by word of mouth, or attending open house and receiving business cards etc. The worst part is you cant even find out if the drop off and pick up in your area until the day of school or the open house, what the prices are, who is trustworthy, who has the proper licensing etc.

Most of these people don't have a website and they do their advertising by just driving the bus around. If I had the knowledge I would create an app or a site that personal bus drivers could sign up for that parents like me could then see if they service our area see their rating see what schools they drive too.

It would be great if the app could further be serviced by gpsing the driver so you can find out where your kids are "buts thats a wish list". Bottom line this is a necessity for many parents and there is just nothing out there for us. It really is almost a difficult task. I am not sure if this is what you are looking for but it would very useful for many people

I have searched for private bus in my area, private bus drivers, contacted the schools and they cannot recommend anyone.

Look for a private bus with the number on the side at the school or driving around or having my daughter take pictures of bus numbers when other kids are getting picked up.

Calling the numbers and asking if they service my area and then asking if they know anyone who might. The task for me became very daunting so I didn't solve it. I ended up choosing a school based on the vicinity to me and not the program I would have liked for her.

Submitter: Marla (view contact info).

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