Startup Idea: Redefining User-Friendly Applicant Tracking System
I have worked as a recruiter for the past two years and we use software called ATS - applicant tracking system. There are many different versions of this software provided by different companies. To say the least, none of them are user friendly.
The organization of data (candidates) is usually not easy to locate or view. There are usually several different boxes that you have to click through. If you're moving a candidate from 'pre-screen' to 'phone interview' it will take a few clicks. Often times, recruiters will reach out to multiple candidates at a time before returning back to their computers and this can be a time consuming process.
There is also the feature to upload documents onto an ATS. So you can keep all of your notes about a particular candidate in their file. But again, recruiters will sometimes have multiple interviews back to back that do not allow them to save and upload back into an ATS. It would be easier if you could have a template in the ATS that would automatically save it for you.
Over all, every ATS that I have worked with seems like it has been developed by a soft wear developer and not an actual recruiter/user.
Submitter: Brianna - (view contact info)