Startup Idea: Intramural Sports Organization and Management Software
I participate in many intramural sports at college. However, organizing a team requires lots of paperwork and collecting paper waivers to hand it. Each individual must fill out a waiver and each team captain must fill out a roster form by copying information from the waivers to the roster form. It is a very tedious and time consuming task. Furthermore, I now work for the recreation department and it is extremely time consuming to check each waiver and team roster form. Then schedules must be made and standings must be kept. This whole process could be done much more efficiently through a computer program.
It would be significantly more convenient if individuals could fill out waivers on their computer and then captains could form teams. Theoretically, once the teams are in the system, there could be an option to create a regular season schedule based on playing time availability of teams and referees.
Such a program would be attractive to the school because it would be cheaper than hiring a bunch of people to do the work. It would also save the people a ton of tedious work. I haven't really looked into a solution. I know it is free programs such as Microsoft Office (free to students) and Google products (drive, sheets, forms, etc.) currently cannot solve the problem without a significant headache and days if not weeks of work to find something. I am not aware of more premium products that serve this purpose.