Startup Idea: Analytical Software for Business State Registration Requirements
I am a Controller in a manufacturing environment for an equipment manufacturer. We employ 180 people worldwide and have $60M in sales annually.
From an administrative perspective, one thing that I think small companies lack is knowledge on business requirements for the various states they do business in. Specifically, with the limited administrative resources we have, we often have to look outside our organization for the bandwidth to be able to search on state requirements. There is no centralized repository for these requirements to my knowledge - it takes accessing 50 different state websites, tracking down forms, and contacting individual state offices if necessary.
I have felt that an analytic software that incorporates all state registration requirements by business type would be helpful, where a user could log into the software, input their business structure, size, type, etc (basic characteristics you would fill out on any registration form) and then have an analysis run to determine what states the business would be required to file for registration with the secretary of state. Also, the repository would include links to any necessary forms. To be useful, the repository would have to be updated with regularlity, as requirements, forms, etc do change. This would be much cheaper and efficient than hiring outside contractors to perform the research, track down the forms, etc and I feel it is a need for companies in the $1M-100M in sales range.