Startup Idea: Smart Home Energy Consumption Tracker
Im an electrical Engineer at Dell. We have our own software engineers to write our stuff. However there is something Iv'e been wanting the software engineers to work with on. As an electrical engineer, I can design the circuit boards, etc. However, most of this technology already exists in the market place. Dell is not interested in my idea, and no one has though to write the software yet.
At home I am a dad. A dad with kids. Wasteful kids and a LARGE electric bill. So large in fact that I have installed 5Kw of solar panels and we still pull from the grid. Now in the home market, there are already electronics that lock / unlock the doors, can turn on / off lights remotely, etc. The doors already have unique codes to each person and can tell you who and when unlocked the door.
Heres what I would like out of a system like that. Like the doors, also get a unique way to tell who is turning on and off the lights, A/C, etc. I would like to track the usage, by person. For example While Im not home, Amy comes in and turns A/C down to 68 and turns on the bathroom, hall, and bedroom light. Then she gets a phone call and leaves the house! I come home at 6 PM and the A/C has been turned down and 3 full rooms of lights have been on all day with no one home. Of course I ask everyone and no body did it. Some probably just turned them on in the evening...
I want a weekly and monthly report of who did it and how much electricity they are using. In a chart with actual costs for each action (just have cost/Kw hour changeable by user for area). Like Amy Hall light $4.87 this week, Bathroom $17.45, Bedroom. Etc...
I also would like Mom turned off Amys lights 39 times this week. Amy went below the 78 (programmed A/C) 4 days last week.
Not only will it allow me to nail these kids, but save money by being able to show them their waste, and help the enviroment.
Once you can track who did what in the house, then the possibilities keep going and going... Who took out trash? What time did Tim get home last night, and on and on...
Hint: Link people with different access codes for locks and phone activation of stuff, maybe RFID cards in wallet to track manual lights??
Ok so It needs some brainstorming to get it right but I REALLY want this product!!.