Startup Idea: Task Management System for Small Assignments
I am a manager in a large corporation, our group provides end user training and technical support of various procurement systems. We have systems to track large projects but I struggle tracking small assignments that have been handed out to my employees- there are on average 20 people in the group. These can range from making minor updates to support documentation, troubleshooting specific transactions within our financial software, reaching out to end users to obtain details on work systems, minor requests for help from end users, etc. These assignments are numerous and ultimately take up a significant portion of our work efforts but there is no good way to track these to monitor resource allocation (and balance workload) to these efforts, track completion, and analyze trends (i.e. multiple weekly requests from end users for help with a specific transaction would ultimately prompt us to create better user documentation if we were aware of the volume of requests). Many requests come to us via email so ideally a way to manage all these informal requests for service and get department level visibility.