Startup Idea: Automated Scheduling and Geolocation System for Site Visits
I work for my County here in Washington, specifically Thurston County. We use a software system called Amanda in order to take in permits for projects (whether it is building a porch or house, widening a road, or subdividing a lot).
For these projects, we are required to do site visits. Some projects trigger different needs of site visits. For example, a single family residence that lies on certain soil types of a threatened species in the County requires two or three visits depending on the soil types, in addition to all the building visits.
Amanda is set up so that it identifies if these areas need extra reviews. However, it does not automatically set up a date. A software developer could have employees select the days they are available for certain reviews, and as applications come in, automatically place them on a day to schedule.
An added bonus would be if it could geolocate sites in a specific area on a given day.