Startup Idea: Smart Posture Monitoring Back Brace for Physical Workers
There are many professions that require strenuous physical activity such as lifting heavy objects or standing in awkward positions. Working in a restaurant for example requires heavy lifting of boxes when shipments arrive and lifting them onto shelves in the freezer. There is a real lack of training for how to efficiently use your body without straining yourself in these situations such as lifting with your back.
In the cases where training is provided, there is often a lack of tools that would help them implement the training. My idea is using a special back brace that would not just provide back support but also vibrate when it senses your back is not straightened. The further your back is out of shape the more intensely the back brace vibrates. This would provide a gentle indication to remind someone to use proper posture.
I think this would cut back significantly on back injuries in the work place and could even provide meaningful statistics to employers such as how many steps are taken or whether a person is in poor health by detecting heart rate. This could also help alert emergency services to a physical injury that requires immediate aid.