Startup Idea: All-in-One Life Management and Personal Development Software
An all-in-one piece life management software which integrates financial, healthcare (and fitness) and relationship information as part of a "survival" information management tool on one hand, and "development" on the other, incorporating academic, career and personal development information from a variety of sources. The key is to make the information readily available. in the "personal development" category, subcategory "Language acquisition", information sources could include websites such as chinesepod, duolingo and arabacademy, with variables beig the tests completed or "level" achieved. The key is to be able to quantify progress in life areas from multiple sources, in essence creating a role-playing game from activities in day-to-day life. This idea already exists in some forms, but no business that I know of has concentrated solely on the "levelling up" aspect exclusively by integrating different categories of personal development in one program without the childish rpg elements found in many other programs. This idea should be fairly easy to implement, and the interface should be quite minimal with clean-looking information representation systems. The ability to link information automatically to other sources would be nice but the ability to customize categories should also be a feature. This could be done in excel actually, but a more visually appealing interface would be better since the functionality required would be less.