Startup Idea: Startup Idea for a Robust Photo Management Software
I am a photographer with a small group of employees as well as in my freetime outside of work. I've been doing this professionally for 2 years and enjoy what I do.
One of the most intricate and tedious projects is to rename pictures, sort pictures from select dates/events from large batches or finding them from the past, if they are edited, unedited, renamed or similar.
It may not seem like much, but when a photoshoot goes well and has hundreds of shots, those muse be edited, retouched, watermarked and transferred for ourselves and our clients. It is a lot of excess work, in addition to having an excess of space dedicated to files, possibly duplicates.
I am not sure if something of this nature is worth looking into and creating/refining, but I have not gone out to look for products or software that may do something of what I am looking to invest within our company.