Startup Idea: Pet Management Software for Animal Retail Services
I work in an animal retail shop. I specifically work as a dog walker. We have services such as grooming, boarding, daycare and dog walking. The software that we use currently doesn't check in our clients (the dogs) in at either daycare or grooming. Since I am away from the office during the work day walking the dogs there are several instances in which I arrive at a Clients house and the dog is not there because they are at grooming or daycare and the client forgot to cancel their walk. I would be willing to pay for this software. If we had some sort of software that could check in our clients as "at daycare" or "being groomed" it would solve the problem of our walkers showing up for a dog that is not at their house. Also it could automatically cancel a walk when the dog is checked in, therefore not wasting the walkers time.