Startup Idea: Motivation and Wellbeing App for Criminal Justice Professionals
I am a criminal justice (CJ) professional and I am often struggling to motivate my colleagues to stay fit and to increase their occupational and professional morale throughout the day.
The work we do can be daunting especially when we have to manage and supervise hardened criminals who are dangerous and psychologically aggressive. I think it would be great to have an App that is geared towards psychologically motivating criminal justice professionals by reminding them that their contributions are important to protecting public safety, protecting victims, and administering justice.
I think an App that is a widget that can be downloaded onto any CJ professional's personal or work phone and can provide CJ professionals with motivating quotes and powerful images would be a great psychological tool.
Often times CJ professionals begin to feel burnt out and exhausted. So I think quotes and images that motivate and remind the CJ professionals every hour about the importance of the work they do would be really helpful and motivating.
I think simple quotes and simple images being displayed on the smart phone to the professionals would help to keep them thinking about physical fitness, psychological wellbeing, and the responsibility of administering justice. I have not tried to find a solution. I see lots of quotes and images on google images and I think they would be a great source for making the App for CJ professionals.