Startup Idea: Hazardous Waste Management Barcode System
I work in the hazardous waste disposal industry.
We receive requests from our customers which we have to approve of before we send confirmations. As of right now, we generate an inventory report of what they have, how much it weighs, how many boxes, and then generate stickers for each required bit of information. Send that to the customer, and have them stick them onto the boxes.
Right not we are looking into some kind of bar code generating and scanning program, but something that can be used via cell phone. We have found clunky bar-code guns for scanning, and horrible (fiddly) programs for generating.
We want a program with simple input (as free to enter data as Excel) that will quickly generate a printable bar code. This way we could simply send the customer one per box, and have all of that information quickly on hand if we need it.
I would defiantly pay for this software.It would save us on printing costs (which add up when we have to print from 5-10 stickers per box) and greatly save us on time, rather than checking off every sticker is correctly displayed upon pickup.
Thank you for letting me rant!