Startup Idea: Multi-currency Altcoin Faucet Management Software
I am just starting out in the cryptocurrency market and have noticed a lack of a central database for information about the various currencies. The different currencies are found on ever-changing exchange sites in ever-changing trade pairs (an industry term that means I can trade bitcoin for litecoin because there is a trade pair for those two). Not all currencies are found on all sites and each exchange is continually adding and removing currencies and trade pairs.
Ultimately I wish to create a multi-currency altcoin faucet of my own. In order for this faucet to be successful, I need a single location where I can see the wallets that I currently have, my wallet balances, wallets that have updated software and need to be downloaded, new wallets I need to acquire (new coin releases), and altcoins that are seeing large volumes of trade on the different coin exchanges. I would then use this information to determine which altcoins are most likely to see a good amount of traffic on my faucet site and which ones are not as well as which coins I need to acquire to keep my faucets full.
And finally, I would need this software to manage my faucets by automatically (or with a notice to me) filling my faucets when they get empty and auto-adjusting the amount of altcoin I release per faucet claim based on the price of each specific altcoin. I would want to enter a specific dollar or bitcoin value that is my minimum and maximum claim amount and have the software adjust those amounts on the faucet every 24 hours.
Basically, I want software that would gather every bit of information it can find on alternate currencies by using a large number of exchange and information sites. This info would then be used to manage my faucets.
I would pay a small monthly fee for this software.
Many faucets go out of business because the owners no longer have time to run their faucets. This software would greatly reduce the daily maintenance of faucets and allow me to focus more on determining which altcoins I want to include on my faucet site.