Startup Idea: Software for Automated Analysis & Reporting of Vehicle Data Traces
I'm engineer and work with driver assistance system and daily we need to record data from the vehicle and analyze the data to make sure the system is doing what is supposed to do.
We use products from Vector ( Basically I use CANanalyzer and CANape to acquire the data from a vehicle and analyze it.
The problem is when I run a product validation for our products, I get easily 50 traces with data and I need to analyze one by one manually.
Another problem is, when I need to compare traces it's done manually as well. Would be very interesting if a software could do all the analyzes and create a report at the end.
Yes, I've tried several alternatives with the Vector softwares but still don't get what I need. I've tried to use MatLab as well and the results were better however it involves lots of programing and I end up wasting more timing creating scripts then analyzing the data.