Startup Idea: Startup Idea for Grocery Price Comparison App
Just the other day, I was saying to my friend that there should be an app that flawlessly combines all of the circulars for the local stores in a way that shows you which store has the lowest price for each item.
I do believe that apps like this exist, but they are not user friendly and are very difficult to navigate.
Ideally, you could key in and item you want to buy - example "Gatorade" and the app would list the store that has that item on sale/the cheapest that week first. The most expensive store would be at the bottom.
The app could also have a feature where you type up your entire grocery list, and it tells you which local store would give you the best prices for your shop. Specifically, which store would be the best one to go to (cheapest option) if you only wanted to go to one store.
I would DEFINITELY use this app and I know a lot of people that would be interested in this as well!. Yes, and none of them are user friendly! Currently, I just look at each stores app. So I have to log onto Shoprite, then Walmart, then weis, then target, etc. It's VERY time consuming!.
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